Janne Henshaw

Highly acclaimed
singer songwriter
Traditional country Folk

Shows page
Awards & More
Latest CD "If I Sing Like That Bird"

Janne Henshaw (pronounced "Jan")

A gifted acoustic songwriter with a penchant for traditional country and folk... writes and performs literate, personable music"
...............Indianapolis Star

"Her voice possesses range and remarkable clarity ... haunting yet beautiful images..."
...............Louisville Courier-Journal

"Inspired by a Civil War letter, Henshaw's 'Dear Elinor' captures the beauty of the emotions and language in a melody so beautiful it will likely stick to the listener's brain for hours after first listening."
...............Bloomington Herald-Times

* * * * *
Janne Henshaw, P.O. Box 128424
Nashville, TN 37212
: janne@jannehenshaw.com

"A tune is more lasting than the song of the birds, and a word more lasting than the wealth of the world..."
. ..Irish saying

Photo: Sydney Smith
Photo Design: Jeff Thorneycroft


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